Are You On The Right Path?

Do you feel like you are on the right path? The path I am on is definitely not the one I thought I would be on at this stage in my life. I envisioned things looking very differently. I never imagined my spouse would die so young and that I would be raising our children by myself…with a brain injury. And, let’s not forget about COVID. That has made everyone’s paths veer off a bit from where they likely thought they were going to be.

But regardless if this is the path you saw for yourself or not, this is indeed the path you are on. How do you make the most of it?

Tips for Owning Your Path:

  1. Embrace your path. Whether or not you are happy where you are right now, this is where you are at. It is a precious moment of your life. Be gentle with yourself at the stages along your path that feel a bit uncertain or painful. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have all the answers. Trust your gut. It is your compass.

  2. Every step counts. Even if you feel like you aren’t getting to your goal or the “good stuff” as quickly as you’d like, know that every move you make along your path all adds up. Baby steps taken each day make a big difference over the course of a year. Before you know it, you have moved the dial in a major way. Be patient with yourself, and others.

  3. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just sit down and do nothing. This likely feels counterintuitive for many people reading this. You are go-getters and want to achieve. But, I have learned there are instances when we try to force something to happen or power our way through, and it just isn’t going to work no matter what you do. Sometimes stopping is the bravest thing you can do. It doesn’t mean you are giving up, just taking a pause to let others in the world align and shape where you are going.

    I believe there is a lesson in everything for us. Not to scold us, but to help us. It doesn’t mean bad things happen for a reason. It means that there is an opportunity to grow and expand from life’s experiences if we allow ourselves the space to look within and be still enough to hear what we need to do or not do.

  4. Be proud of your path. This journey is your very own. Others will join you along your path. Some for a long time, others for just a fleeting moment. But, this journey will be taken by no one other than you. We all have our own paths. You are special and have many amazing gifts to share with the world. Stop comparing yourself and your journey to others, thinking you should be so much further ahead by now. The term “further” in this sense can have different meanings for different people. It could mean I thought I would be married to my soulmate or I thought I’d be a CEO or I thought I’d have a big house or fancy car.

    We are often striving for more. But that feeling of not feeling good enough yet is a monster that really never is full. We have some control over our paths, but in some ways, we really don’t have as much control as we think. Wishing things to be different is a futile exercise and a waste of time to dwell on too long. Own your place on your path. It is just a moment in time. Be bold. Be kind and loving. Be patient with yourself. And know that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path. So take a deep breath, give yourself the space you need to look around, and enjoy the journey.

Receive a free consult to work with me as your Coach while you carve out your path. Visit Potential Unlimited for contact details.


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