The Path Made Unclear

I was recently together with a dear friend of mine who has been through a lot in her life. She had a vision of what her life would look like and in some ways, it just hasn’t turned out that way. As I listened to her, I felt a part of me think “I am feeling the same way!” Yes, our stories are different but we both had this path in life that we thought we were on and then we veered off of it somehow. And the more we tried to get back onto that original path or vision for our lives, the more we seem to get kicked off. It’s as if there is a Dead End sign and our dreams of where we thought life was going are all beyond the end of the path. We can longer get there.

After our conversation, I kept thinking about this idea of the path I wanted to take so badly and how it seems that the more I try to get back on it, the more I get pushed off into the ditch. Then an epiphany hit me. What if I leaned completely into this new path? All kinds of emotions emerged when I considered that notion. First of all, fear. I like to have a vision and goals. I like to see where I am going and I thought I knew where life was taking me on my first path. This new path? I have no idea where it goes. Living life this way feels like driving in the dark with no headlights. Taking life day by day. Not sure exactly where life will take me and handing over my control in many areas. It also feels empowering to not have so much pressure put on me to achieve certain things when it feels like every time I take a step closer to them, life forces me to take two steps back. So maybe life has different plans for me?

Does this concept resonate with you? Did you envision a different life for yourself? Or, have you been working so hard towards achieving certain goals and for whatever reason, it seems you are getting pushed hard in a different direction?

What if you were able to stop struggling and pushing so hard towards what you think should happen in your life and just fully accepted where you are at in the moment while tuning into your gut instinct to pull you along towards the life you are meant to have?

This doesn’t mean throwing your hands up in the air and doing nothing (although, at times maybe that is the best thing to do!). But, it is about getting out of your own way and letting your mind expand to accept all of the fabulous possibilities that could exist for you.

I am still getting acquainted with this new way of living that is focused on acceptance and embracing the current moment. I am trying my best to trust my gut instincts to follow the path, step by step, and believe that I am on the journey of a lifetime!


Make 2023 the Year to Restore You!


How do I celebrate when I am always striving for more?