Make 2023 the Year to Restore You!
Make 2023 the Year to Restore You!
As an Executive Coach for almost 15 years now, I have seen a lot of trends in people development. But, I’ve never seen anything quite like the impact that already busy professionals have faced when they entered into a global pandemic. Leaders needed to push into a new layer of resilience around working at a high level from home while having other responsibilities laid upon them like homeschooling their children. It really has been a unique time.
I recently read a report stating that the travel industry within my home province of Ontario won’t recover from the pandemic until at least 2025. I think it is fair to say that it will likely take a least that long for most of us to restore our own health and wellness from that place of extreme burnout.
So, how do you start to feel more like yourself again?
It is going to take time. Although, it felt like the ramifications of this pandemic fell upon us overnight or over a matter of a few days, it has been a long haul. Restoring yourself isn’t going to happen overnight. Don’t be hard on yourself if you are not feeling like your best self, even after a week or two vacation. Think of each thing you do that is restorative for yourself is like dropping a pebble in a glass you are trying to fill to find your wellness. Everything you do counts.
Do nothing. Sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all. Seriously, sit down and don’t move. Look out the window. Maybe drink tea or coffee. Allow yourself to just be quiet. Never underestimate the power of silence to help us ground ourselves.
Go shopping. This may sound like a shallow solution, but it can be a really important one. Go buy yourself a new outfit. My style has changed a bit since the pandemic, so it is time soon to find out what feels right for me now.
Get moving. I am a massive advocate of exercise. It has helped me survive some really tough times in my life. Think about what exercises you did before the pandemic or in your younger years. Is it time to pick them up again? Perhaps there is a team or club you have been thinking about joining? No time like the present, sign up today!
Put yourself out there. I feel like many of us have gotten familiar with living life from the comfort of our own homes. It can feel draining to get out there and socialize again. These feelings are real. Our brains have actually wired themselves over this time to live a quieter existence. And now that things are open, there are opportunities for a lot more social time at work and home. It may be tempting to curl up at night in your PJs and sit at home. And while it is great to do that some nights, push yourself every now and then to have a night or day out on the town!