My 2-Step System to Help you Delegate Better

We all have so many things to do and so much responsibility. I reached a point earlier on in my life when I knew that something needed to shift for me. Doing it all was no longer an option. This led me to create a two-question filter system I use now whenever I am presented with a new work project or a social event.

I have found this filter system works so well that I now share it with my clients and they are finding it beneficial too. The good part? It is so easy. It feels like common sense, yet pausing to ask yourself these two questions can completely change the way you work.

I know we don’t always get to choose every project we work on, but next time a request comes your way, ask yourself Question #1.

Question #1: Do I Really Need to Do This?

Is this something that is important for you to do. Could someone else do it? Does it align with your passion and expertise? Do you have time to do it?

Push yourself on this. If the answer is still yes, go onto Question #2 (below).

Question #2: Do I Really Need to Do This Now?

We wire ourselves to jump quickly and take on so much that pretty soon every project feels like a house on fire, when in reality when we back up our perspective, we see that we have more choices. 

Maybe we can drop a few balls or get more help with them. I know when we are feeling so strapped for energy and time, it feels like how could I possibly spare a few moments to breathe or exercise regularly? I get that, but I was able to see when I was forced completely out of my control to slow down that there is always another way.

Start to look at where you really want to put your focus in your work and life. Ensure that your time is aligning proportionately with those top priorities. If it is not, it may be time to adjust the amount you are delegating to others and also just say ‘no’ more. This is your one precious life. Spend it doing what is most important and impactful!

For more information on Executive Coaching with Carey-Ann, visit Potential Unlimited’s web site


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