Reflections from Carey-Ann

It is hard to believe that we are soon approaching the end of another year. Has anyone else felt that time has moved even quicker since the COVID-19 pandemic?

It has been a busy month for me, and no doubt for you, too! I have had a lot of projects to finish and then, of course, Christmas shopping and the events that come with the Season.

But now I remind myself I have a choice. I can continue to keep ramping up high speed throughout the holidays with social outings and doing lots of prep work to blast into an exciting new work year, or, I can allow myself some time to rest. I don’t have to keep going at the pace that I have been carrying on now. Yes, I needed to have an energy burst to complete some things I had been working on, but I now get to choose if I take my foot off the gas pedal or not.

If you are feeling this way, remind yourself that you have a choice. What do you need to say no to? When we say no to things that aren’t as important to us, we say yes to other things like rest that we may desperately need to fill us up.

Working at a high speed is a slippery slope. For some, it can easily become the new norm instead of that energy burst that you need to get through high-demand times. How do you want to wire yourself to work? I have seen through my own life that sometimes slowing down is the best thing you can do to actually accomplish more and feel greater peace of mind.

So as we move into the holiday season (for some), be deliberate in your choices. Make sure what you say yes to is aligned with what you really want. This is your one beautiful life!

Enjoy the ride!

Carey-Ann Oestreicher


Reclaiming my Power!


Taking Inventory of Your Year