Carey-Ann’s Blog

leadership development Carey-Ann Oestreicher leadership development Carey-Ann Oestreicher

Developing Your EQ to Bring More Connection to Your Leadership Style

We all have different leadership styles. That is what makes us unique. Even if you try to emulate someone else, you are you. And you are bringing your own unique variation of style with you to each organization you go to.

But, does your current leadership style mean that is your natural and only style? No way!

I see and even help leaders shift their styles. As we grow and develop, we change. You can’t really go back to the way you were. You can’t un-know what you know. So how does someone who isn’t a ‘People’ person who has been a strong contributor for years and found themselves in a leadership role now managing, and yes, even motivating people, do it?

Here are 3 components of helping develop a stronger Leadership EQ:

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leadership development Carey-Ann Oestreicher leadership development Carey-Ann Oestreicher

The Power of Perspective

I have had a lot of days over the past dozen years, that just getting out of bed felt like climbing Mount Everest. With debilitating headaches from the brain injury. I had a broken heart after my beloved husband Jeff died at 46 years old of cancer. And then the toll of home-schooling my 8 and 10-year-old children while running a business amid a pandemic while deep in grief. I felt like I was in survival mode every day.

I knew I couldn’t keep going down this path. Being in survival mode for a sustained period doesn’t end well, and I need to be here for my kids. I knew I couldn’t control what was happening in the world around me. But, I could take more control over what was happening inside me.

I began to see that so much really all comes down to perspective. 

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leadership development, Executive Coaching Carey-Ann Oestreicher leadership development, Executive Coaching Carey-Ann Oestreicher

Workplace Bullies

Growing up, most of us likely faced bullies on our school playgrounds. It is an awful feeling to be relentlessly teased or ridiculed by another person(s). It can erode our confidence, lead to a feeling of isolation, and reduce our performance.

When I was a child, I equated bullying to immaturity and expected that once I became an adult that this behaviour I witnessed happening around me would stop. But, the reality is that bullying still happens at workplaces. We may not see it from our leadership positions but don’t be too quick to dismiss that it isn’t happening at your organization.

So, how do we know if there is bullying in our organizations, and if so, how do we deal with bullies?

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Have you been waiting to live your best life? Want more out of your career…. or better work-life balance? Connect with Carey-Ann today.